Monday, 9 May 2016

Writing an Introduction

From the examiners spec...

"It is also worth noting that there is no need for students to describe the cross-media study in detail at the beginning of the essay; this doesn't tend to be relevant and wastes their time."

In short, spend 1-2 lines only, telling them what texts make up your case study, so they are prepared for references to them in the rest of your essay.


"First of all, we did several weeks of preliminary research, where we looked at a range of potential texts.  I then decided upon my texts and started to look at them across the three platforms.  First of all I looked at the poster.  I then looked at each of the trailers.  Eventually I made notes on the media issues evident in each text, and started to prepare blah blah blah who cares..."


"I will answer the above question using my broadcast fiction case study, where I looked at Star Wars The Force Awakens, Deadpool and House of Cards."

Then go...

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